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Such an amazing game keep up the work :)

Thank you! I am not updating it anymore but play my latest game:


I saw your epic post on r/DaniDev

Nice! What did you think about the game?


its epic!

Thank you!


I think that you need to add some fancy effect for high spinning velocities, as the button at some point starts to spin so fast that it stops looking cool. Also, if it's a bitcoin themed game you can add something like trading, For example, there will be an exchange rate for dollars, you sell your coins at this price and then you can buy bitcoins with dollars when the price is lower. By the way, you can add more unusual mechanics connected with the theme to make the game more interesting and less monotonous.

I will try to fix the spin. Thank you for the feedback!

Hi again! I have now added so that the color of the spinning button changes at higher velocities. Maybe not the best fix, but hope you like it! :)


Hi! Thanks for applying my suggestion, but I don't think it's noticable enough. Maybe you should change color to golden like in the old version by using a function that makes a slow color transition like gradient. I don't know if it is hard in Construct. Also, I thought about applying something like a tornado effect like in the picture or motion blur. Anyway, thanks for the update)


I will try to add the goldenfade effect, I don't think it's too hard in construct. I will also try to add some kind of motionblur effect. Thank you for the suggestion!


I have now added a lot of stuff that you suggested! Hope you like it. Read the devlog 

Deleted 115 days ago
(1 edit)

 have fixed the typo now! I have made the music myself, happy that you like it! ^-^


This game is fun! I would add a setting screen so you can mute sound. Awesome Job!

Thank you! That-s a great idea. I will try to add that. :)

I have added so that you can mute sound now! ^-^